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Hudson, Ma. Tank Level Monitoring is one of the most common wireless applications in upstream oil and gas as well as a variety of other industries. SignalFire’s open architecture mesh network provides a unique value proposition for this application.
One Size Does Not Fit All. The most telling feature of tank level monitoring is that there are a variety of technologies that can monitor tank levels and interfaces. The specifics of the materials being monitored and the environment will dictate the best sensing technology. The right sensor for the job might be a radar, float, pressure sensor, ultrasonic sensor, piezo resistive sensor or guided wave radar. Most vendors of wireless tank level bundle one or two of these technologies with their wireless system thereby limiting the choice to those that are sold by the wireless vendor. The SignalFire approach is to provide wireless modules that have an open architecture with industry standard interfaces. This permits the user to choose the sensor type that is best for the application and integrate it into the SignalFire Mesh Network. Supported interfaces include 1-5V, 4-20 mA, Modbus, Hart, and Digital Inputs.
True Wireless Different sensor types have differing power requirements. If you have to run power to a sensor it is not “wireless”. SignalFire’s systems are battery powered and can power both the sensor and the radio system from either internal batteries or a specially designed solar system. Battery life depends heavily on the choice of sensor but can range from 1 to 10 years.
Intrinsically Safe Many tank level applications require either area certification SignalFire’s Sentinel product line, including its solar power system meets the Class 1 Division 1 certification for intrinsically safe system. SignalFire’s battery technology also meets these requirements and can be changed in the hazardous area without a work ticket.
Ease of Configuration The SignalFire tool kit makes it easy to configure a system from a simple to use graphical interface. Raw analog values can be converted to units of measure, polling frequencies and power settings can all be configured from the tool kit For sensors that require in situ calibration SignalFire offers a Wireless PACTWare for its NodeChecker utility.
Cost Effective To be truly valuable a wireless system must deliver economic value to the customer. SignalFire systems are competitively priced when compared with 50 to 100 ft of installed conduit. In addition systems can be completely pre-configured in the shop, greatly reducing field installation time