1. Go to
  2. Enter your credentials and submit
  3. You will receive an email confirming a SignalFire Cloud account was created for your company.

*note: If your company already has an account, ask your SignalFire Cloud administrator to create a user for your login

Any account with “User Admin” permissions can add additional users, by clicking the “Add User” button in the Users window. Be sure to assign the new user the appropriate user permissions. All user names must be a valid email address

There is no limit for users per account.

  • User Admins can add, remove, or edit user profiles.
  • Device Admins can configure the settings on a RANGER, and can control its digital output
  • Alarm Admins can configure the alarm settings for a RANGER
  • Alarm Ack allows a user to acknowledge active alarms
  • Report Admins can configure automated reports

The data is stored for at least 3 years. Data older than 3 years may be deleted.

The RANGER will store the last 200,000 events that have changed since the connection dropped, and then send that data to the cloud when the connection is restored.

The RANGER uses the Sparkplug B MQTT format. Tag guides that detail all data tags from the RANGER can be found in the download tab for the RANGER on the website

From the Node Status Tile, select “Hide/Show Tiles”. From this view unused tiles can be hidden from view. These changes will apply for all users within your group.

The RANGER can be configured to report immediately on change for its digital inputs. The Analog, HART, Modbus, SDI-12 inputs are only sampled at the configured reporting interval. The Fast Reporting feature can be configured to start reporting at a faster interval if an input crosses a threshold, or can report all inputs on the change of a DI trigger.

Please use the forgot password link on the login screen to reset your password.

Yes it is possible to limit a user to where they can make no changes to the Cloud or RANGER settings by editing the user’s role. Removing their “Device Admin” permission will restrict them from changing the settings on any RANGERS, and removing their “Alarm Admin” is required to prevent them from making changes to the alarm configurations.

You can customize the columns from the Home Screen.

1. Click Configure on the top right of the Home page

2. Use the drop downs for each row to select content for that column

3. If using Modbus Registers, use the Button “Show Dynamic Values” and choose a Modbus Register.

Once selected, the Drop Down selector will include “Custom [Modbus Tag]

Yes. If you select a RANGER, from the Node Status tile select Configure Node. From this screen you can “release” the RANGER from the group and it can then be claimed by another user group

You can view the expiration date on the Cloud through two ways:

1. On the Home Screen, you can have a column that shows the Expiration Date

2. On a given RANGER node, locate the “Node Status” Tile. There, you’ll find the expiration date

Furthermore, an email will be sent to all users that are marked as a billing contact 60 days prior to expiration.

The RANGER will stop sending new data to the SignalFire Cloud but all data transmitted prior to expiration will still be available.

The RANGER supports TLS 1.2 with full validation to ensure a secure connection between the RANGER and the MQTT broker. Customers using their own MQTT broker have the option to load their own TLS certificates into the RANGER in addition to the factory certificates which are used to connect to the SignalFire Cloud.

There is no limit for users per account.

The fastest reporting interval is once every minute for the standard subscription. Subscriptions can be upgraded to support 15-second and 5-second data.

No, each user account only supports one phone number. To add another phone number, you need to create another user.

From the SignalFire Cloud, click the Modify button in the row containing the Modbus register to write. In the pop-up configuration window, enter the new register value and click the Set button. Note that the Register must be configured as a read/write register.