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SignalFire’s Remote Switch –
The Simple Alternative to SCADA Control
SCADA Systems and Remote Monitoring offer tremendous benefits in terms of productivity and asset protection. BUT, sometimes you just need to turn something on and off. The K.I.S.S. principle is one of life’s rules to live by.
At SignalFire we believe in the K.I.S.S principle and to prove it we are introducing the SignalFire Remote Switch. The SignalFire Remote Switch is just what it sounds like: a wireless replacement for a switch, with a few added benefits.
The SignalFire Remote Switch consists of our Counter-in-a-Stick with a DIN mounted Relay Board and Remote SignalFire Nodes. Unlike other SignalFire Systems there is no Gateway, and configuration is simplified.
The SignalFire Remote Node (Such as the Sentinel products) are each slaved to one of the 2 relays on the Counter-in-a-Stick Relay Boards. When the remote node reports either a state change or passes a threshold value, the relays are either energized or denergized.
Configuration is done with an easy to use PC application. The system is ideal for well shut in or SWD applications based on tank levels, tubing and casing pressures or line pressures. The SignalFire Remote Switch uses the same hardware as the standard SignalFire Remote Monitoring Systems so upgrading at a future date is a snap.